Lista över spel publicerade av Electronic Arts .
Detta är en ofullständig lista, så den uppdateras ständigt. Du kan hjälpa till genom att utöka den, men bara använda pålitliga källor.
namn | Utvecklaren | utgivningsår |
1503 AD: Den nya världen | Solrosor | 2003 |
1503 AD: Skatter, monster och pirater | Solrosor | 2004 |
2014 FIFA World Cup Brasilien | EA Kanada | 2014 |
3D Atlas | EA-spel | 1997 |
688(I) Jägare/Mördare | Sonologer | 1997 |
missbruk | spricka punkt com | 1995 |
Äventyrsbyggsats | EA-spel | 1987 |
Äventyrsflipperspel: Forgotten Island | Digitala extremer | 2001 |
Alice: Madness Returns | Kryddig häst | 2011 |
Aliens versus Predator: Extinction | Zono Incorporated | 2003 |
All Point Bulletin | Realtidsvärldar | 2010 |
Amerikanska McGee's Alice | Rogue underhållning | 2000 |
Amnesi | Cognetic Corp | 1986 |
Apex Legends | Respawn underhållning | 2019 |
fjällräv | Dynamix | 1984 |
Är vi där än? | Manley och Assoc. | 1991 |
ARL 96 | Kreativ församling | 1996 |
Armies of Exigo | Black Hole Entertainment | 2004 |
Armé av två | EA-spel | 2008 |
Army of Two: Den 40:e dagen | EA Montreal | 2010 |
Army of Two: The Devil's Cartel | Viscerala spel | 2013 |
ATF | Jane's Combat Simulations | 1996 |
Auto Destruct | neurosten | 1998 |
Baconing | Hothead spel | 2011 |
Bards berättelse | Samspel | 1985 |
Bard's Tale 2: The Destiny Knight | Samspel | 1988 |
Bard's Tale 3: The Thief of Fate | Samspel | 1990 |
Batman börjar | Eurocom | 2005 |
Battlefield 1942 | TÄRNINGAR | 2002 |
Battlefield 1942: Secret Weapons of WWII | TÄRNINGAR | 2003 |
Battlefield 1942: Vägen till Rom | TÄRNINGAR | 2003 |
Battlefield 1943 | TÄRNINGAR | 2009 |
Battlefield 2 | TÄRNINGAR | 2005 |
Battlefield 2042 | TÄRNINGAR | 2021 |
Battlefield 2142 | TÄRNINGAR | 2006 |
Battlefield 2142: Northern Strike | TÄRNINGAR | 2007 |
Battlefield 2: Armored Fury | TÄRNINGAR | 2005 |
Battlefield 2: Euro Forces | TÄRNINGAR | 2005 |
Battlefield 2: Modern Combat | TÄRNINGAR | 2005 |
Battlefield 2: Special Forces | TÄRNINGAR | 2005 |
Battlefield 3 | TÄRNINGAR | 2011 |
Battlefield 3: Aftershock | Digital Legends Underhållning | 2012 |
Battlefield 3: Aftermath | TÄRNINGAR | 2012 |
Battlefield 3: Armored Kill | TÄRNINGAR | 2012 |
Battlefield 3: Close Quarters | TÄRNINGAR | 2012 |
Battlefield 3: End Game | TÄRNINGAR | 2013 |
Battlefield 3: Tillbaka till Karkand | TÄRNINGAR | 2012 |
Battlefield 4 | TÄRNINGAR | 2013 |
Battlefield 4: China Rising | TÄRNINGAR | 2013 |
Battlefield 4: Dragon's Teeth | TÄRNINGAR | 2014 |
Battlefield 4: Final Stand | TÄRNINGAR | 2014 |
Battlefield 4: Naval Strike | TÄRNINGAR | 2014 |
Battlefield 4: Second Assault | TÄRNINGAR | 2014 |
Battlefield 1 | TÄRNINGAR | 2016 |
Battlefield Hardline | Visceral Games , DICE | 2015 |
Battlefield Heroes | TÄRNINGAR | 2009 |
Battlefield Play4Free | TÄRNINGAR | 2011 |
Battlefield V | TÄRNINGAR | 2018 |
Battlefield Vietnam | TÄRNINGAR | 2004 |
Battlefield: Bad Company | TÄRNINGAR | 2008 |
Battlefield: Bad Company 2 | TÄRNINGAR | 2010 |
Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Onslaught | TÄRNINGAR | 2010 |
Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Vietnam | TÄRNINGAR | 2010 |
Battle Forge | EA Phenomic | 2009 |
Beasts och bumpkins | Worldweaver Productions | 1997 |
Bejeweled 3 | Pop Cap-spel | 2010 |
BioForge | ursprungssystem | 1995 |
Bionicle: The Game | Argonautspel | 2003 |
Svart | Kriteriespel | 2006 |
svart vit | Lionhead Studios | 2001 |
Svart och vitt: Creature Isle | Lionhead Studios | 2002 |
Svartvitt 2 | Lionhead Studios | 2005 |
Black & White 2: Battle of the Gods | Lionhead Studios | 2006 |
Blades of Vengeance | Beam programvara | 1993 |
Boogie | EA Montreal | 2007 |
Boogie Superstar | EA Montreal | 2008 |
Boom Boom Rocket | Bisarra skapelser | 2007 |
Boulder Dash: ROCKS! | 10tacle Mobil | 2008 |
Brutal legend | Dubbla fina produktioner | 2009 |
Budokan: The Martial Spirit | EA-spel | 1989 |
Kul regn | Epic Games , People Can Fly | 2011 |
Utbrändhet 3: Nedtagning | Kriteriespel | 2004 |
Utbrändhet KRASH! | Kriteriespel | 2011 |
Burnout Dominator | EA Bright Light | 2007 |
Utbrändhetslegender | Kriteriespel | 2005 |
Burnout paradiset | Kriteriespel | 2008 |
Utbränd hämnd | Kriteriespel | 2005 |
kattkvinna | EA Bright Light | 2004 |
Centurion: Roms försvarare | Bitar av magi | 1990 |
Chuck Yeagers luftstrid | EA-spel | 1991 |
Hemlig | Trilobyte | 1996 |
Caveman Ugh-lympics | Dynamix | 1989 |
Clive Barkers Undying | EA Los Angeles | 2001 |
Command & Conquer (2013) | Segerspel | Inställt |
Command & Conquer 3: Kane's Wrath | EA Los Angeles | 2008 |
Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars | EA Los Angeles | 2007 |
Command & Conquer 4: Tiberian Twilight | EA Los Angeles | 2010 |
Command & Conquer: Continuum | Westwood Studios | Inställt |
Command & Conquer: Generals | EA Los Angeles | 2002 |
Command & Conquer: Generals—Zero Hour | EA Los Angeles | 2003 |
Command & Conquer: Red Alert | Westwood Studios | 1996 |
Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2 | Westwood Studios | 2000 |
Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 | EA Los Angeles | 2008 |
Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 - Uprising | EA Los Angeles | 2009 |
Command & Conquer: Renegade | Westwood Studios | 2002 |
Command & Conquer: Renegade 2 | Westwood Studios | Inställt |
Command & Conquer: Sole Survivor | Westwood Studios | 1997 |
Command & Conquer: Tiberian Dawn | Westwood Studios | 1995 |
Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun | Westwood Studios | 1999 |
Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun—Firestorm | Westwood Studios | 2000 |
Command & Conquer: Tiberium Alliances | Ultima Online Phenomic | 2012 |
Command & Conquer: Yuri's Revenge | Westwood Studios | 2001 |
Skapa | EA Bright Light | 2010 |
Bekännelse | Insomnia Ent. | 2001 |
Crusader: Ingen ånger | ursprungssystem | 1996 |
Crusader: Ingen ånger | ursprungssystem | 1995 |
crysis | Crytek | 2007 |
Crysis 2 | Crytek | 2011 |
Crysis 2 Decimation Pack | Crytek | 2011 |
Crysis 2: Retaliation Pack | Crytek | 2011 |
Crysis 3 | Crytek | 2013 |
Crysis Warhead | Crytek | 2008 |
Crysis Wars | Crytek | 2008 |
CyberMage: Darklight Awakening | ursprungssystem | 1995 |
Dark Age of Camelot: Labyrinth of the Minotaur | Mytisk underhållning | 2006 |
Darklight-konflikt | Rage programvara | 1997 |
Downtown Texas Hold'em | EA-spel | 2011 |
Dungeon Keeper | Bullfrog Productions | 1997 |
Dungeon Keeper: The Deeper Dungeons | Bullfrog Productions | 1997 |
Dungeon Keeper 2 | Bullfrog Productions | 1999 |
Dantes Inferno | Viscerala spel | 2010 |
Darkspore | Maxis | 2011 |
dött utrymme | Viscerala spel | 2008 |
Dead Space: Extraction | Viscerala spel | 2009 |
Dead Space Ignition | Viscerala spel | 2010 |
Dead Space 2 | Viscerala spel | 2011 |
Dead Space 2: Severed | Viscerala spel | 2011 |
Dead Space 3 | Viscerala spel | 2013 |
Dead Space 3: Awakened | Viscerala spel | 2013 |
DeathSpank | Hothead spel | 2010 |
DeathSpank: Thongs of Virtue | Hothead spel | 2010 |
Deer Hunt Challenge | EA-spel | 1999 |
Dawngate | Waystone-spel | Inställt |
Desert Strike: Återvänd till viken | EA-spel | 1992 |
Dragon Age: Origins | bioware | 2009 |
Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening | bioware | 2010 |
Dragon Age: Origins – Lelianas sång | bioware | 2010 |
Dragon Age: Origins - Return to Ostagar | bioware | 2010 |
Dragon Age: Origins - The Darkspawn Chronicles | bioware | 2010 |
Dragon Age: Origins – The Golems of Amgarrak | bioware | 2010 |
Dragon Age: Origins – Witch Hunt | bioware | 2010 |
Dragon Age II | bioware | 2011 |
Dragon Age II: Legacy | bioware | 2011 |
Dragon Age II: Mark of the Assassin | bioware | 2011 |
Dragon Age: Inquisition | bioware | 2014 |
Dragon's Lair | ReadySoft | 1993 |
Drome Racers | EA-spel | 2002 |
Dune 2000 | Westwood Studios | 1998 |
Duty Calls: The Calm Before the Storm | Epic Games , People Can Fly | 2011 |
Eagle Eye-mysterier i London | Stormfront Studios | 1994 |
Eagle Eye Mysteries: The Original | Stormfront Studios | 1994 |
Earl Weaver baseball | Hägring | 1986 |
Earl Weaver Baseball II | Hägring | 1991 |
Jorden & bortom | Westwood Studios | 2002 |
EA Sports Active | EA Kanada | 2009 |
EA Sports Active: Fler träningspass | EA Kanada | 2009 |
EA Sports Active: NFL Training Camp | EA Kanada | 2010 |
EA Sports Active 2 | EA Kanada | 2010 |
EA Sports MMA | EA Tiburon | 2010 |
Emperor: Battle for Dune | Westwood Studios | 2001 |
Fly från helvetet | EA-spel | 1990 |
FA Premier League stjärnor | EA-spel | 2000 |
F/A-18 | Jane's Combat | 2000 |
blekna till svart | Delphine mjuk. | 1995 |
Family Game Night 4: The Game Show | EA Salt Lake | 2011 |
Fancy byxäventyr | EA 2D | 2011 |
FIFA 2001 | EA-spel | 2000 |
FIFA fotboll 2002 | EA Kanada | 2001 |
FIFA fotboll 2003 | EA Kanada | 2002 |
FIFA fotboll 2004 | EA Kanada | 2003 |
FIFA 05 | EA Kanada | 2004 |
FIFA 06 | EA Kanada | 2005 |
FIFA 07 | EA Kanada | 2006 |
FIFA 08 | EA Kanada | 2007 |
FIFA 09 | EA Kanada | 2008 |
FIFA 10 | EA Kanada | 2009 |
FIFA 11 | EA Kanada | 2010 |
FIFA 12 | EA Kanada | 2011 |
FIFA 13 | EA Kanada | 2012 |
FIFA 14 | EA Kanada | 2013 |
FIFA 15 | EA Kanada | 2014 |
FIFA 16 | EA Kanada | 2015 |
FIFA 17 | EA Kanada | 2016 |
FIFA 18 | EA Kanada | 2017 |
FIFA 19 | EA Kanada | 2018 |
FIFA 2000 | EA-spel | 1999 |
FIFA 98: Vägen till VM | EA-spel | 1997 |
FIFA 99 | EA-spel | 1998 |
FIFA internationell fotboll | EA-spel | 1994 |
FIFA FOTBOLL | EA-spel | 2012 |
FIFA Manager 07 | EA-spel | 2006 |
FIFA Manager 07: Förlängning | Ljus framtid | 2007 |
FIFA Manager 08 | EA Kanada | 2007 |
FIFA Manager 09 | EA Kanada | 2008 |
FIFA Manager 10 | EA Kanada | 2009 |
FIFA Manager 11 | Ljus framtid | 2010 |
FIFA Manager 12 | Ljus framtid | 2011 |
FIFA Manager 13 | Ljus framtid | 2012 |
FIFA online | Neoviz | 2010 |
FIFA Fotboll 96 | EA Kanada | 1995 |
FIFA Fotboll 97 | Utökade spel | 1996 |
FIFA fotbollschef | EA-spel | 1997 |
FIFA Street | EA Kanada | 2005 |
FIFA Street | EA Kanada | 2012 |
FIFA Street 2 | EA Kanada | 2006 |
FIFA Street 3 | EA Kanada | 2008 |
FIFA världen | EA Kanada | 2014 |
Fotbolls-VM 2002 | EA-spel | 2002 |
Fotbolls-VM 2006 | EA Kanada | 2006 |
Fotbolls-VM 2010 | EA-spel | 2010 |
Fight Night Champion | EA-spel | 2011 |
Fight Night omgång 2 | EA Chicago | 2005 |
Fight Night omgång 3 | EA Chicago | 2006 |
Fight Night omgång 4 | EA Kanada | 2009 |
Flight Unlimited III | Förstoringsglas | 1999 |
Stridspilot | Charybdis | 1998 |
Flampunkt Korea: AH-64D Longbow | Jane's Combat | 1996 |
Drömmarnas fontän | EA-spel | 1990 |
frihetskämpar | IO Interactive | 2003 |
frihetskraft | Irrationella spel | 2002 |
säkring | Insomniac Games | 2013 |
Framtida polis: LAPD | EA-spel | 1998 |
Galapagos: Mendels flykt | Anark | 1997 |
Galidor: Försvarare av den yttre dimensionen | Asyl Ent | 2002 |
Gatling Gears | Vanguard Entertainment Group | 2011 |
Gene Wars | Bullfrog Productions | 1996 |
Allmänt kaos | Game Refuge Inc. | 1994 |
G.I. Joe: The Game | Double Helix-spel | 2009 |
Gudfadern II | Viscerala spel | 2009 |
The Godfather: The Game | Viscerala spel | 2006 |
Golden Eye: Rogue Agent | EA Los Angeles , EA Tiburon | 2004 |
Grand Slam-tennis | EA Kanada | 2009 |
Grand Slam Tennis 2 | EA Kanada | 2012 |
Hard Hat Mack | EA-spel | 1984 |
Harry Potter och hemligheternas kammare | Eurocom , KnowWonder Digital Mediaworks | 2002 |
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Del I | EA Bright Light | 2010 |
Harry Potter och dödsrelikerna: Del II | EA Bright Light | 2011 |
Harry Potter och den Flammande Bägaren | EA Bright Light | 2005 |
Harry Potter och Halvblodsprinsen | EA Bright Light | 2009 |
Harry Potter och Fenixorden | EA Bright Light | 2007 |
Harry Potter och de vises sten | Argonaut Games , KnowWonder Digital Mediaworks | 2001 |
Harry Potter och fången från Azkaban | KnowWonder Digital Mediaworks , Griptonite-spel | 2004 |
Harry Potter Quidditch World Cup | EA-spel | 2003 |
Hasbro Family Game Night | Viscerala spel | 2008 |
Hasbro Family Game Night Volym 2 | EA Bright Light | 2009 |
Hasbro Family Game Night Volym 3 | EA Bright Light | 2010 |
Hellgate: London | Flaggskeppsstudior | 2007 |
Högoktanig | Bullfrog Productions | 1995 |
Imperium | EA-spel | 1990 |
Indianapolis 500: Simuleringen | Papyrus | 1989 |
israeliska flygvapnet | Jane's Combat | 1998 |
James Bond 007: Agent Under Fire | Viscerala spel | 2001 |
James Bond 007: Allt eller ingenting | Viscerala spel | 2004 |
James Bond 007: Nightfire | växellåda | 2002 |
James Bond 007 Racing | Eutechnyx | 2000 |
James Bond 007: The World is Not Enough | Eurocom | 2000 |
Jane's Fleet Command | Sonologer | 1999 |
Jungle Strike | EA-spel | 1993 |
Jurassic Park: Trespasser | DreamWorks Interactive | 1998 |
Kasparovs Gambit | EA-spel | 1993 |
Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning | Stora stora spel | 2012 |
Kings of the Beach | EA-spel | 1989 |
KKnD Xtreme | Atari | 1997 |
KKnD: Krush, Kill 'n Destroy | Atari | 1997 |
Tidens labyrint | Terra Nova Development | 1994 |
Lego Island Xtreme Stunts | Qube programvara | 2002 |
Legoland | Lego Media | 2000 |
LHX Attack Chopper | EA-spel | 1990 |
Lite stort äventyr | Adeline | 1994 |
Minsta djuraffär | EA-spel | 2008 |
Långbåge 2 | Jane's Combat , Origin Systems | 1997 |
Lord Blackthorns hämnd | EA-spel | 2002 |
Sagan om ringen: Erövring | Pandemic Studios | 2009 |
Sagan om ringen: taktik | EA-spel | 2005 |
Sagan om ringen: Slaget om Midgård | EA Los Angeles | 2004 |
Sagan om ringen: Slaget om Midgård II | EA Los Angeles | 2006 |
The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-earth II: The Rise of the Witch-king | EA Los Angeles | 2006 |
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King | Viscerala spel | 2003 |
Sagan om ringen: De två tornen | Stormfront Studios | 2002 |
Sagan om ringen: Vita rådet | EA Redwood Shores | Inställt |
Lord of Ultima | EA Phenomic | 2010 |
The Lost Files of Sherlock Holmes: The Case of the Rose Tattoo | Mythos programvara | 1996 |
The Lost Files of Sherlock Holmes: The Case of the Serrated Scalpel | Mythos programvara | 1992 |
Lottso | EA-spel | 2007 |
Madden NFL 97 | EA Tiburon | 1996 |
Madden NFL 98 | EA Tiburon | 1997 |
Madden NFL 99 | EA Tiburon | 1998 |
Madden NFL 06 | EA Tiburon | 2005 |
Madden NFL 07 | EA Tiburon | 2006 |
Madden NFL 08 | EA Tiburon | 2007 |
Madden NFL 09 | EA Tiburon | 2008 |
Madden NFL 10 | EA Tiburon | 2009 |
Madden NFL 11 | EA Tiburon | 2010 |
Madden NFL 12 | EA Tiburon | 2011 |
Madden NFL 13 | EA Tiburon | 2012 |
Madden NFL 2000 | EA Tiburon | 1999 |
Madden NFL 2001 | EA Tiburon | 2000 |
Madden NFL 2002 | EA Tiburon | 2001 |
Madden NFL 2003 | EA Tiburon | 2002 |
Madden NFL 2004 | EA Tiburon | 2003 |
Madden NFL 2005 | EA Tiburon | 2004 |
Madden NFL Arcade | EA Tiburon | 2009 |
Madden NFL fotboll | EA Tiburon | 2011 |
Det magiska ljuset III | mindcraft | 1992 |
masseffekt | bioware | 2007 |
Mass Effect: Bring Down the Sky | bioware | 2008 |
Mass Effect: Pinnacle Station | bioware | 2008 |
Mass Effect 2 | bioware | 2010 |
Mass Effect 2: Ankomst | bioware | 2011 |
Mass Effect 2: Kasumis stulna minne | bioware | 2010 |
Mass Effect 2: Lair of the Shadow Broker | bioware | 2010 |
Mass Effect 2: Overlord | bioware | 2010 |
Mass Effect 3 | bioware | 2012 |
Mass Effect 3: Citadel | bioware | 2013 |
Mass Effect 3: From Ashes | bioware | 2012 |
Mass Effect 3: Leviathan | bioware | 2012 |
Mass Effect 3: Omega | bioware | 2012 |
Mass Effect 3: Rebellion Pack | bioware | 2012 |
Mass Effect 3: Reckoning | bioware | 2013 |
Mass Effect 3: Resurrection Pack | bioware | 2012 |
Mass Effect: Andromeda | bioware | 2017 |
Mass Effect Galaxy | bioware | 2009 |
Mass Effect: Infiltrator | Iron Monkey Studios | 2012 |
Hedersmedalj | EA Los Angeles | 1999 |
Hedersmedalj | EA Los Angeles , DICE | 2010 |
Medal of Honor Allied Assault: Genombrott | EA Los Angeles | 2003 |
Medal of Honor Allied Assault: Spjutspets | EA Los Angeles | 2002 |
Medal of Honor: Airborne | EA Los Angeles | 2007 |
Medal of Honor: Allied Assault | 2015 Inc. | 2002 |
Medal of Honor: Allied Assault: War Chest | 2015 Inc. EA Los Angeles | 2004 |
Medal of Honor: European Assault | EA Los Angeles | 2005 |
Medal of Honor: Frontline | EA Los Angeles | 2002 |
Medal of Honor: Heroes | EA Kanada | 2006 |
Medal of Honor: Heroes 2 | EA Kanada | 2007 |
Medal of Honor: Infiltratör | Netherock Ltd. | 2003 |
Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault | EA Los Angeles , TKO Software | 2004 |
Medal of Honor: Rising Sun | EA Los Angeles | 2003 |
Medal of Honor: Vanguard | EA Los Angeles | 2007 |
Medal of Honor: Underground | EA Los Angeles | 2000 |
Medal of Honor: Warfighter | EA Los Angeles | 2012 |
Medal of Honor: Warfighter: Zero Dark Thirty | EA Los Angeles | 2012 |
Mercenaries 2: World in Flames | Pandemic Studios | 2008 |
Mercs Inc. | EA Los Angeles | Inställt |
Michael Jordan | Pacific Gameworks | 1992 |
mikrobot | Naked Sky Entertainment | 2010 |
sinnesspegel | EA-spel | 1985 |
Spegelns kant | TÄRNINGAR | 2008 |
Mirror's Edge: Catalyst | TÄRNINGAR | 2016 |
Mobil 1 Rally Championship | Magnetiska fält | 2000 |
Monopol | EA-spel | 2008 |
Moto Racer | Delphine mjuk. | 1997 |
Moto Racer 2 | Delphine mjuk. | 1998 |
MVP baseball | EA Kanada | 2005 |
MySims | The Sims Studio | 2008 |
Mina sims agenter | The Sims Studio | 2008 |
MySims Kingdom | Maxis | 2009 |
My Sims Party | The Sims Studio | 2009 |
MySims Racing | The Sims Studio | 2009 |
MySims SkyHeroes | The Sims Studio | 2010 |
NASCAR 2000 | Stormfront Studios | 2000 |
NASCAR Kart Racing | EA-spel | 2009 |
NASCAR-revolutionen | Stormfront Studios | 1999 |
NASCAR Road Racing | Stormfront Studios | 1999 |
NASCAR Rumble | EA-spel | 2000 |
NASCAR Sim Racing | EA Tiburon | 2005 |
NASCAR Thunder 2003 | EA Tiburon | 2002 |
NASCAR Thunder 2004 | EA Tiburon | 2003 |
NBA Elite 11 | EA Kanada | 2010 |
NBA Jam | EA Kanada | 2010 |
NBA Jam: On Fire | EA Kanada | 2011 |
NBA Live 06 | EA Kanada | 2005 |
NBA Live 07 | EA Kanada | 2006 |
NBA Live 08 | EA Kanada | 2007 |
NBA Live 10 | EA Kanada | 2009 |
NBA Live 13 | EA Tiburon | Inställt |
NBA Live 14 | EA Tiburon | 2013 |
NBA Live 2000 | EA-spel | 1999 |
NBA Live 2001 | EA-spel | 2000 |
NBA Live 2003 | EA-spel | 2002 |
NBA Live 2004 | EA-spel | 2003 |
NBA Live 2005 | EA Kanada | 2004 |
NBA Live 95 | EA-spel | 1994 |
NBA Live 96 | EA Kanada | 1995 |
NBA Live 97 | EA-spel | 1996 |
NBA Live 98 | EA-spel | 1997 |
NBA Live 99 | EA Kanada | 1998 |
NCAA Basketball 09 | EA-spel | 2008 |
NCAA Basketball 10 | EA Kanada | 2009 |
NCAA fotboll 09 | EA Tiburon | 2008 |
NCAA fotboll 98 | FarSight Studios | 1997 |
NCAA fotboll 99 | FarSight Studios | 1998 |
NCAA fotboll 10 | EA Tiburon | 2009 |
NCAA fotboll 11 | EA Tiburon | 2010 |
NCAA fotboll 12 | EA Tiburon | 2011 |
NCAA fotboll 13 | EA Tiburon | 2012 |
NCAA March Madness 08 | EA Kanada | 2007 |
Need for Speed | EA Kanada | 1994 |
Need for Speed II | EA Kanada | 1997 |
Need for Speed III: Hot Pursuit | EA Kanada | 1998 |
Need for Speed: Kol | EA Black Box | 2006 |
Need for Speed: Carbon Own The City | EA Kanada | 2006 |
Need for Speed: Höga insatser | EA Kanada | 1999 |
Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit (2010) | Kriteriespel | 2010 |
Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit 2 | EA Kanada , EA Black Box | 2002 |
Need for Speed Most Wanted | EA Black Box | 2005 |
Need for Speed: Most Wanted (2012) | Kriteriespel | 2012 |
Need for Speed: Most Wanted 5-1-0 | EA Black Box | 2005 |
Need for Speed: Motor City Online | EA-spel | 2001 |
Need for Speed: Nitro | EA Montreal | 2009 |
Need for Speed: Nitro X | brandspel | 2010 |
Need for Speed: Porsche Unleashed | EA Kanada | 2000 |
Need for Speed: ProStreet | EA Black Box | 2007 |
Need for Speed rivaler | Kriteriespel , Spökspel | 2013 |
Need for Speed: Shift | Slightly Mad Studios | 2009 |
Need for Speed: The Run | EA Black Box | 2011 |
Need for Speed: Undercover | EA Black Box | 2008 |
Need for Speed underground | EA Black Box | 2003 |
Need for Speed Underground 2 | EA Black Box | 2004 |
Need for Speed: World | EA Black Box | 2010 |
Need for Speed (2015) | spökspel | 2015 |
Need for Speed: Payback | spökspel | 2017 |
Need for Speed: Värme | spökspel | 2019 |
NFL Blitz | EA Tiburon | 2012 |
NFL-huvudtränare 09 | EA Tiburon | 2008 |
NFL-turné | EA Tiburon | 2008 |
NHL 01 | EA Kanada | 2000 |
NHL 02 | EA Kanada | 2001 |
NHL 03 | EA Kanada | 2002 |
NHL 04 | EA Kanada | 2003 |
NHL 05 | EA Kanada | 2004 |
NHL 06 | EA Kanada | 2005 |
NHL 07 | EA Kanada | 2006 |
NHL 08 | EA Kanada | 2007 |
NHL 09 | EA Kanada | 2008 |
NHL 10 | EA Kanada | 2009 |
NHL 11 | EA Kanada | 2010 |
NHL 12 | EA Kanada | 2011 |
NHL 13 | EA Kanada | 2012 |
NHL 14 | EA Kanada | 2013 |
NHL 2000 | EA Kanada | 1999 |
NHL 98 | EA Kanada | 1997 |
NHL 99 | EA Kanada | 1998 |
NHL Hockey | EA-spel | 1993 |
NHL Hockey 95 | EA Kanada | 1994 |
NHL Hockey 96 | EA Kanada | 1995 |
NHL Hockey 97 | EA Kanada | 1996 |
Noctropolis | Flashpoint Productions | 1994 |
nox | Westwood Studios | 2000 |
Kärnvapenstrejk | EA-spel | 1997 |
Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath | Oddworld Invånare | 2005 |
Operationsmani | Hasbro Interactive | 2008 |
Orcher och alver | id Software , Fountainhead Entertainment | 2007 |
Patton vs. Rommel | skulpturerade | 1987 |
PGA Tour Pro | EA-spel | 1997 |
Växter vs. Zombies 2: It's About Time | Pop Cap-spel | 2013 |
Växter vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare | Pop Cap-spel | 2014 |
Växter vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare 2 | Pop Cap-spel | 2016 |
Växter vs. Zombies: Battle for Neighborville | Pop Cap-spel | 2019 |
Poker för dummies | EA-spel | 2008 |
The Poppit Show | EA-spel | 2007 |
Folkrik | Bullfrog Productions | 1989 |
Populärt: Början | Bullfrog Productions | 1998 |
Populär 2 | Bullfrog Productions | 1999 |
Populous 2: Trials of the Olympian Gods | Bullfrog Productions | 1992 |
powermonger | EA-spel | 1992 |
Power Poker | EA-spel | 1994 |
Psykisk detektiv | Kolossala bilder | 1995 |
Queen: The Eye | Destinationsdesign | 1998 |
Questmaster: The Prism of Heheutotol | Mikroillusioner | 1989 |
järnvägssimulator | Kuju Underhållning | 2008 |
Rail Simulator 2: RailWorks | EA-spel | 2009 |
Rallymästerskap | REVEsoft | 1997 |
Vallen | Atari | 1992 |
Rango: The Video Game | Beteende interaktivt | 2011 |
Real Racing | firemonkeys studios | 2009 |
Real Racing 2 | firemonkeys studios | 2010 |
Real Racing 3 | firemonkeys studios | 2013 |
Rekyl | Dragkedja interaktiv | 1998 |
risk | EA-spel | 2010 |
Risk: Fraktioner | Rostfria spel | 2010 |
Vägutslag | Papyrus | 1991 |
Road Rash II | EA-spel | 1992 |
Road Rash 3: Tour de Force | Monkey Do Productions | 1995 |
Road Rash Win 95 | Papyrus | 1996 |
rockband | Harmonix Music Systems , Pi Studios | 2008 |
Rockband 2 | Harmonix Music Systems , Pi Studios | 2008 |
Rockband 3 | Harmonix musiksystem | 2010 |
Rockband Unplugged | Harmonix Music Systems , Backbone Entertainment | 2010 |
Rugby 06 | H.B. Studios | 2006 |
Rugby 2001 | Kreativ församling | 2000 |
Rugby 2004 | H.B. Studios | 2003 |
Sabotören | Pandemic Studios | 2009 |
SKARAB | Dubba media | 1997 |
SEAL Team | EA-spel | 1993 |
Den hemliga världen | funcom | 2012 |
Sentinel Worlds I: Future Magic | EA-spel | 1989 |
De sju guldstäderna | Ozark Softscape | 1984 |
Shadows of the Damned | Tillverkning av gräshoppor | 2011 |
Skaft | Klei Underhållning | 2010 |
Skaft 2 | Klei Underhållning | 2012 |
Skift 2: Utsläppt | Slightly Mad Studios | 2011 |
Shockwave attack | paradoxdev | 1997 |
Shogun: Total War | Kreativ församling | 2000 |
Shogun: Total War - Mongol Invasion | Kreativ församling | 2001 |
Sid Meiers Alien Crossfire | Firaxis spel | 1999 |
Sid Meiers Alpha Centauri | Firaxis spel | 1999 |
Sid Meiers Gettysburg! | Firaxis spel | 1997 |
SimCity | Maxis | 1989 |
SimCity (2013) | Maxis | 2013 |
SimCity: Morgondagens städer | Maxis | 2013 |
Sim City 2000 | Maxis | 1993 |
Sim City 3000 | Maxis | 1999 |
Sim City 4 | Maxis | 2003 |
SimCity 4: Rush Hour | Maxis | 2003 |
SimCity Social | Maxis , Playfish | 2012 |
SimCity-föreningar | Tilted Mill Entertainment | 2007 |
SimCity Societies: Destinationer | Tilted Mill Entertainment | 2008 |
The Sims | Maxis | 2000 |
The Sims Castaway Stories | Viscerala spel | 2008 |
The Sims gratisspel | EA-spel | 2012 |
The Sims: Hot Date | Maxis | 2001 |
The Sims House Party | Maxis | 2001 |
The Sims livshistorier | EA-spel | 2007 |
The Sims: Living Large | Maxis | 2000 |
The Sims: Makin' Magic | Maxis | 2003 |
The Sims medeltida | The Sims Studio | 2011 |
The Sims Medieval: Pirates and Nobles | The Sims Studio | 2011 |
The Sims online | Maxis | 2002 |
The Sims Pet Stories | EA-spel | 2007 |
The Sims Social | The Sims Studio | 2012 |
The Sims Superstar | Maxis | 2003 |
The Sims: Unleashed | Maxis | 2002 |
The Sims semester | Maxis | 2002 |
The Sims 2 | Maxis | 2004 |
The Sims 2: Business | Maxis | 2006 |
The Sims 2: Årstider | Maxis | 2007 |
The Sims 2: Nattliv | Maxis | 2005 |
The Sims 2: Flytta in i en lägenhet | Maxis | 2008 |
The Sims 2: Husdjur | Maxis | 2006 |
The Sims 2 äventyr | Maxis | 2007 |
The Sims 2: Hobbyer | Maxis | 2008 |
The Sims 2: Universitet | Maxis | 2005 |
The Sims 3 | The Sims Studio | 2009 |
The Sims 3: Generationer | The Sims Studio | 2011 |
The Sims 3: Husdjur | The Sims Studio | 2011 |
The Sims 3: Late Night | The Sims Studio | 2010 |
The Sims 3: Ambitioner | The Sims Studio | 2010 |
The Sims 3: Äventyrsvärld | The Sims Studio | 2009 |
The Sims 3: Island Paradise | The Sims Studio | 2013 |
The Sims 3: Övernaturligt | The Sims Studio | 2012 |
The Sims 3: Showbiz | The Sims Studio | 2012 |
The Sims 4 | Maxis , The Sims Studio | 2014 |
Simpsons-spelet | Viscerala spel | 2007 |
SimSafari | Maxis | 1998 |
Simsville | Maxis | Inställt |
Skridsko | EA Black Box | 2007 |
Skridsko 2 | EA Black Box | 2009 |
Skridsko 3 | EA Black Box | 2010 |
åka skridskor ' | EA Black Box , EA Montreal | 2008 |
Skidor eller dö | EA-spel | 1990 |
skitsar | EA-spel | 1994 |
fallskärmshopp! | Gonzo spel | 1999 |
Sovjetisk strejk | EA-spel | 1996 |
Space Hulk | spelverkstad | 1993 |
Space Hulk: Vengeance of the Blood Angels | spelverkstad | 1995 |
Sportbil GT | Image Space Inc. | 1999 |
SSN-21 Seawolf | EA-spel | 1994 |
Star Wars: Battlefront (2015) | TÄRNINGAR | 2015 |
Star Wars: Battlefront II (2017) | TÄRNINGAR | 2017 |
Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order | Respawn underhållning | 2019 |
Stjärnornas krig den gamla republiken | bioware | 2011 |
Starlight | Binära system | 1986 |
Starflight 2: Trade Routes of the Cloud Nebula | Binära system | 1989 |
Reservdelar | EA Bright Light | 2010 |
Spor | Maxis | 2008 |
Spore: Creepy & Cute Parts Pack | Maxis | 2008 |
Spore: Galactic Adventures | Maxis | 2009 |
Spore Hero | Maxis | 2009 |
Spore Hero Arena | Maxis | 2009 |
SSX | EA Kanada | 2000 |
SSX (2012) | EA Kanada | 2012 |
SSX3 | EA Kanada | 2003 |
Underkommando | Sonologer | 2001 |
Svenska Touring Car Championship | TÄRNINGAR | 1999 |
Svenska Touring Car Championship 2 | TÄRNINGAR | 2001 |
Syndikat | Starbreeze Studios | 2012 |
Syndikat | Bullfrog Productions | 1993 |
Syndikat: American Revolt | Bullfrog Productions | 1993 |
Syndicate Wars | Bullfrog Productions | 1996 |
Systemchock 2 | Irrationella spel | 1999 |
Technoclash | BlueSky Software , Electronic Arts | 1993 |
Ted Nugent Vilda Jaktäventyr | Framtida primitiv | 1999 |
Tema sjukhus | Bullfrog Productions | 1997 |
nöjespark | Bullfrog Productions | 1994 |
Tiberium | EA Los Angeles | Inställt |
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2000 | Rainbow Studios | 2000 |
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2000: BTC | EA-spel | 2000 |
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 01 | Headgate Studios | 2000 |
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 02 | Headgate Studios | 2001 |
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 03 | Headgate Studios | 2002 |
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 04 | Headgate Studios | 2003 |
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 05 | Headgate Studios | 2004 |
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 06 | Headgate Studios | 2005 |
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 07 | Headgate Studios | 2006 |
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 08 | EA Tiburon | 2007 |
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 10 | EA Tiburon | 2009 |
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 11 | EA Tiburon | 2010 |
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 12: The Masters | EA Tiburon | 2011 |
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 13 | EA Tiburon | 2012 |
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 14 | EA Tiburon | 2013 |
Tiger Woods PGA Tour Online | EA Los Angeles | 2010 |
Titanfall | Respawn underhållning | 2014 |
Titanfall 2 | Respawn underhållning | 2016 |
Total Club Manager 2003 | EA-spel | 2002 |
Total Club Manager 2004 | EA Kanada | 2003 |
Total Club Manager 2005 | EA Kanada | 2004 |
Triple play 97 | EA-spel | 1996 |
Triple play 98 | EA-spel | 1997 |
Trivial Pursuit | Adrenalin | 2009 |
UEFA Euro 2000 | Mjukvaruskapelser | 2000 |
UEFA Euro 2004 | EA Kanada | 2004 |
UEFA Euro 2008 | EA Kanada | 2008 |
UEFA Euro 2012 | EA Kanada | 2012 |
Ultima 8: The Lost Vale | ursprungssystem | Inställt |
Ultima Forever: Quest for the Avatar | bioware | 2013 |
Ultima Online | ursprungssystem | 1997 |
Ultima Online: Age of Shadows | EA-spel | 2003 |
Ultima Online: Kingdom Reborn | ursprungssystem | 2007 |
Ultima Online: Lord Blackthorn's Revenge | ursprungssystem | 2002 |
Ultima Online: Mondain's Legacy | EA-spel | 2005 |
Ultima Online: Renaissance | ursprungssystem | 2000 |
Ultima Online: Samurai Empire | EA-spel | 2004 |
Ultima Online: Stygian Abyss | Mytisk underhållning | 2009 |
Ultima Online: The Second Age | EA-spel | 1998 |
Ultima Online: Third Dawn | ursprungssystem | 2001 |
Ultima Worlds Online: Ursprung | ursprungssystem | Inställt |
Ultima IX: Ascension | ursprungssystem | 1999 |
Ultima X: Odyssey | ursprungssystem | Inställt |
ultrabots | NovaLogic | 1995 |
Urban Strike | EA-spel | 1994 |
USAF | Pixel Multimedia | 1999 |
U.S. Navy Fighters | Jane's Combat Simulations | 1994 |
U.S. Navy Fighters '97 | Origin Systems , Jane's Combat Simulations | 1996 |
V-rally | Eden Studios | 1997 |
V-rally 2 | Eden Studios | 1999 |
Warhammer: Dark Omen | spelverkstad | 1998 |
Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning | Mytisk underhållning | 2008 |
Warhammer Online: Wrath of Heroes | BioWare Mythic | Inställt |
Varp | Fallucka | 2012 |
War Torn | Eyst Pty. Ltd. | 2000 |
Ödemark | Samspel | 1988 |
Will Harveys Zany Golf | Sandslott | 1988 |
Wildlife: Forest Survival | EA Salt Lake | Inställt |
Wing Commander Academy | ursprungssystem | 1993 |
Vingbefälhavare Armada | ursprungssystem | 1993 |
Vingbefälhavare: kapare | ursprungssystem | 1993 |
Wing Commander: Privateer II | ursprungssystem | 2005 |
Wing Commander: Prophecy | ursprungssystem | 1997 |
Wing Commander: Secret Ops | ursprungssystem | 1998 |
Wing Commander: The Kilrathi Saga | ursprungssystem | 1996 |
Wing Commander 2: Vengeance of the Kilrathi | ursprungssystem | 1991 |
Wing Commander 3: Heart of the Tiger | ursprungssystem | 1994 |
Wing Commander 4: The Price of Freedom | ursprungssystem | 1995 |
WWII Fighters | Jane's Combat | 1998 |
X-Games Pro Boarder | Team Beer | 1998 |
Star Wars: Squadrons | Motive Studios Montreal | 2020 |
FIFA 21 | EA Vancouver | 2020 |
Madden NFL 21 | EA Tiburon | 2020 |
NHL 21 | EA Vancouver | 2020 |